

Dr. John Holladay

VP Government Programs
Dr. John Holladay provides 20 years of experience in science and technology leadership processing renewable and waste carbon to products, materials and fuels that are needed in the economy. John led Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) collaboration with LanzaTech to create jet fuel from industrial waste gas, for which the first 10 million gallon per year plant is now under construction. For the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), John led efforts to identify the challenges of producing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from aqueous waste, municipal solid waste, and industrial waste gas. John’s analysis of the connectivity of the electrical grid and the fuel grid has enhanced our understanding of generation, transmission, and energy storage needs for electrifying vehicles and electrifying fuels sustainably (e.g., power-to-liquids, converting CO2 and waste carbon). Prior to his work on SAF, John led research programs to produce renewable chemicals including collaborations that led to the first industrial process for producing high purity propylene glycol from waste glycerin. John was instrumental in developing DOE’s “Top Value-Added Chemicals from Biomass” reports. John has served as Chief Scientific Officer for the National Advanced Biofuels Consortium, Chief Operations Officer for the National Alliance for Biofuels and Bioproducts, co-lead of the Co-Optima of Fuels and Engines DOE crosscut, and the Founding Co-Director of the Bioproducts Institute, a joint venture between PNNL and Washington State University. John is a co-recipient of the American Chemical Society’s Award for Affordable Green Chemistry (2022), the IRI Achievement Award (2020), and Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards (2019, 2011).